Change time allotted for questions before expiry

(Dylan Cutler) #1

Hey FlowXO peeps,

Is it possible to change the amount of time than can elapse before a question expires?

Otherwise is there a way to resume a Flow once a question expires that is not separately logging each user interaction and mocking the flows (if even that method is possible…).


(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi Dylan,

Unfortunately there’s currently no way to stop questions from expiring or for the timer to be changed. Since the flow ends there’s not really a way to jump back in where you left off since if there’s more than one question being asked you won’t know where the user was up to.

I suppose a somewhat over-complicated solution would be to set attributes before each of your questions and save the user’s progress to something like Google Sheets so that if they run the flow again you can do a check to see which part they got to and then jump to that flow label.
