"Cast to Array failed"

(Pete) #1

I’ve set up a simple BOT. Nothing complicated… but unfortunately when I create a new flow and try to rename it I get this error message;

Cast to Array failed for value “[ 0, 1, 2 ]” at path "bot_new_message_data.specific_bots_listen_connections"

Similarly when I try and change the flow to point at a Bot, I get this error;

Cast to Array failed for value “[ ‘0’, ‘1’, ‘2’, ‘598c99ee64a373000c5341be’ ]” at path "bot_new_message_data.specific_bots_listen_connections"

Seems really weird. I’ve deleted the flow and started again several times. Same errors each time. I’ve also tried logging off and logging back in again.

(Sarah Palombo) #2

Hi Pete :wave:,

This looks like a bug when trying to edit a trigger name (where you have some bots should listen)

We’ll take a look and I’ll let you know once it’s sorted. :slight_smile:


(Sarah Palombo) #3

@pete_nexus This is all sorted now. :slight_smile:

Sarah :+1: