Can I access facebook ID in flow?

(Viljami Ketola) #1


I just realized that user id in the flowxo is not the facebook id of the user.

Is there a way to get user facebook id via bot?

(Daniel Beckett) #2

Hi @Viljami_Ketola

Flow XO captures the ‘page scoped user ID’ rather than the actual profile ID. I’m not aware of a way to directly get the ID for a profile but you could use the Page Scope User ID (PSID) that we provide along with the Facebook Graph API: to get some additional information on the user.

(Viljami Ketola) #3

Oh, okay. Didn’t realize they have so many kind of IDs for the users.

This is all good.

(Serhii Shevchenko) #4

Hey @DanielBeckett ,

Is it possible that Manychat and Chatfuel uses profile ID and that’s why when I had subscribers in Manychat and connected Chatfuel’s blank bot all my Manychat subscribers automatically was exported to Chatfuel and I was able to communicate with them via Chatfuel but when I tried to do the same with FlowXO it didn’t work?

(Sarah Palombo) #5

Unfortunately it isn’t possible to move subscribers from another service :pensive:.

When you want to contact a list of subscribers we use the persons unique response path (a combination between Facebook connection and the bot ID)

In order to know and receive a subscriber using FLOW XO is to make sure the user has interacted with your bot (connected to Flow XO) at which point you have a list of subscribers their response paths and their preferences if they chose any

Sarah :slight_smile:

(Serhii Shevchenko) #6

Hey Saray,
Are you saying it isn’t possible at all or it isn’t possible for FlowXO?
