AI Assistant flow tool vs. Flow with AI Assistant trigger

(Samuel) #1

I’ve been experimenting more with the AI Assistants and using them to gather data from the user. I noticed that there is a flow action with the Assistant Complete option but also an option to set a Flow as a tool within the AI Assistant. Are there better use cases to use one versus the other?

Also if using the flow tool in the AI assistant, what would be the trigger for the flow?


(Nathan Stults) #2

Hi, good question.

The “Assistant Complete” option is what you want to use to react to collected data after an interaction is done and you don’t need to interact with the user as a result. Tools are to collect data or take actions as a part of the interaction with the user and the AI will respond to the result of the action. For collecting data, you usually want to use the events, for fetching data to interpret, or take some action that will impact the flow of the conversation if it succeeds or fails, then a tools is best.

As far as which trigger to use, see here:

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(Samuel) #3

Thank you Nathan!

Fetching data is something I was curious about as well. Do you have an article or video on that process?

I have several AI Assistants that are part of a package and it would be helpful if they could share the same notes about the user. Right now, I have Flows triggered by the Assistant Complete action to save the output to a google sheet, email, and create a google doc. However, I get the gut feeling that this is the hard way to go about it :slight_smile:

Thanks again!

(Samuel) #4

Follow up question to this thread if you don’t mind.

I noticed in the documentation you linked to that the flow is triggered by the phrase send_auth_code. However, I didn’t see the trigger phrase in the instructions. Does this phrase have to be in the description of the assistant’s tool, or should the triggering phrase be the name of the tool?

It seems like the AI Assistant would have to use that exact phrase to call the flow.
