Webview equivalent in Web chat?

(mario menti) #1

Hi, this may be a stupid question, but our API contains functionality to support “nice” links in a message (i.e. ideally create links with a link title and url, so the title rather than the url is shown), which on Facebook can be rendered as webviews. I can’t see an obvious way to render this in a similar way in the web-based chat, has anyone done this and/or some pointers on how to best implement this?


(Sarah Palombo) #2

There is no way to handle this using the web messenger (not at the moment i’m afraid) :pensive:
Although I have noted this as a feature request

I had thought of using markup to format the links but as Karen explains here there;s only Telegram supporting those pre formatted links at the moment

We’ll be sure to let you know if that changes of course !

Sarah :slight_smile:

(mario menti) #3

Thanks Sarah, I guess for now we’ll just have to use “plain” urls in messages for the webchat channel, but thanks for noting as a feature request!

(mario menti) #4

Just to update this thread, turns out that sending plain text URLs in message text doesn’t work (i.e. it doesn’t recognise they’re links, and there’s no markdown support).

However, this forced me to try a few other things, and this appears to be quite a nice workaround for a webview in the web-based chat bot:

Create a “Send a Card” item, and fill in values for the title, button link url and button link text only, which renders as something similar to a FB Webview… :slight_smile:

Here’s some screenshots, just in case this helps someone else wanting to do this…

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