Make Custom Requests

(John Jackson) #1

We’re pleased to release a new Bot > Make a Custom Request action.

Whilst there’s real benefit for you in using a cross-platform solution like Flow XO over products that support one platform, it’s impossible for us to offer truly cross platform support for all the features in all the different messengers out there.

So our Make a Custom Request feature makes it easy to fire off any request to any of the bot platforms we integrate with. For example, you can easily use Facebook Messenger’s Receipt Template, or use Messenger’s webview component.

Generally, all you need to do is provide the JSON for the request, leaving out any authentication, origination or routing details, as we’ll take care of these for you.

For example requests for each of the platforms we support, take a look at our reference.

We now also process postbacks/button presses on all platforms as messages, so if you send a set of buttons using this action, you can process them using the New Message or Catch-all triggers.

(Art Arov) #2

Telegram - inline keyboard? Now I can get the number of the pressed button. Requesting Location in Telegram

(John Jackson) #3

You should get a message back through with 1, 2 or 3 @Art_Arov - is that what you’re finding now?

(Art Arov) #4

I read the news, did not check. Only asked a question. In an hour I will check and will respond.

(Art Arov) #5

No. 1, 2 or 3, tried New Message or Catch-all triggers

(John Jackson) #6

We’ll look into this, I’ll keep you posted. Thanks :+1: