Link and markup issue



I’ve a little problem: sometimes an hyperlink is displayed as a text that is different from the destination address.


Sometimes my bot requires that the user sends him a link, but:

  • when a user sends to my bot the hyperlink displayed as the destination address (ex -> my bot correctly reads the link and saves it in a google sheet document;
  • when a user sends to my bot the hyperlink displayed as a custom text (ex Google) -> my bot incorrectly saves the link as a plain text (my bot reads and saves the text “Google”).

My question is: how can I teach my bot to read links sent by the user as a custom text (ex Google) and save (as an attribute, or as a metadata, or in a google sheets file) them correctly (saving “” and not the plain text “Google”)?

In the image below you can see an example:

Thank you very much!

(Karen Barker) #2

Hi @signore,

Hmm … :thinking:

Which platform is your bot on? I tried to recreate this on Facebook Messenger, but unfortunately wasn’t able to. :disappointed:

When you reference the answer to an “Ask a Question” action you are given the exact text that the user has entered. In your interaction logs what does the output for the Ask a Question function show?

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Hi Karen! Thank you very m much for your answer.

I’m using a Telegram bot created throw flowxo.

Here you can see an example: EXAMPLE

Here you can see the sample flow: FLOW

You can try to use the bot by yourself writing to @PR0VA_bot in Telegram.

I think there is a markup issue with flowxo: the bot should replay with the same exact text (link, italic, bold, etc), but it only replays with a plain text, as you can see from the video in the link above.

Do you have any suggestions in order to solve this problem?

Thank you very much!

Have a nice day! :wink:

(Sarah Palombo) #4

Hello Signore

Karen’s post here explains how to send messages on telegram with certain Markup. (Bold, Italics etc). Instead of using a ‘send a message’ shes using a custom request which includes the markup i.e “text”:“bold</> italics”,
Take a look …Text Formats - Send Messages

Unfortunately, you’d still have a problem with these hyperlinks as the bot is sent the word (Google) Not the (Link). Although,I’m not sure how a user sends a link the same way the Bot does here??

Might not be much help there sorry.


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Thank you very much for your answer Sara! :blush::+1:t2: