How to pass login username to web chat bot

(Janmajay Adhikari) #1

Customers come to my web application, instruct the web bot to create a service order in a different application.

Hi Friends,
I have included a FlowXO web bot in my web application. I have a requirement where I need to create a service order. The Bot should hit the REST API of a different Service Application in order to do so. The problem is, REST API for the service application requires Primary Contact to be passed as one of request parameters.

How can I pass the logged in user details of my web application to FlowXO web bot so that it can be used in web hook while sending an HTTP request.

Please help, let me know if you have further queries


(John Jackson) split this topic #2

A post was merged into an existing topic: How to pass user data from my web application to web chat bot?

(John Jackson) closed #3
(Sarah Palombo) #4

Hello :wave:

I know our support team have been helping you earlier with this query.

For other users that might want their apps or services to send information into Flow XO, You’ll just need to make use of our Webhooks & HTTP service in order to send data from an external service into Flow XO.

You’ll see webhooks as a trigger when you create your flow, just pass extra parameters which can then be used later i.e

Hope that helps !

Sarah. :slight_smile: